Resources to familiarise learners with Afrikaans
Speaking and hearing the language
Go and bath. What are you doing tomorrow? Would you like some chocolate? Make it applicable to real life.
<PDF file with a list of appropriate sentences to download, print, cut out and stick around the house? > |
Read aloud (one page for Mom, one page for learner) – practice pronunciation and get the tongue trained
The Thomas@ series e.g. Thomas@moord and Thomas@aqua by Carina Diedericks-Hugo. I would like to bolster this with other setwork/book suggestions from teachers – please add this to your list of questions when you talk to teachers LAPA weet dat lees in die moedertaal onontbeerlik is vir enige kind se ontwikkeling. Daarom fokus ons op opwindende kinder- en jeugboeke wat Afrikaanssprekende kinders lief maak vir lees.
- Leave magazines around the house.
- Just reading one advert – and translating - helps
Any TV programs, but some recommendations would be Willem (currently airing), or some of the older series which may be available on CD/DVD and/or You Tube e.g. Wielie Walie, Liewe Heksie, Heidi, Bennie Boekwurm, Haasdas de nuuskas
Egoli is South Africa's longest running soap opera. It is also the first multi-lingual, multi-cultural soap opera broadcasted on South African television. Egoli revolves around the lives and dealings of the Edwards family, who owns the international automobile manufacturer, Walco. Other families’ lives are intertwined with the Edwards family either as friends or foes. The soap opera, which takes place in Johannesburg, South Africa, features characters from all spheres of life – from the influential business family and the ilk, to the average suburban family next door.
7de Laan is a locally produced soap opera set in a fictional upper-middle class suburb of Johannesburg. The narrative plays out in a few select spaces, some of which include: the deli, coffee shop, sport store and the club. Within this closed setting the soap opera presents, up to a point, a liberal-pluralist utopia of “the nation in colour” where all the characters, regardless of age, gender, or social stratification interact homogeneously. It presents utopian images of community, working-class and ethnic solidarity, and personal friendship without necessarily interrogating what the impact of an alternative society might be.
Binnelanders. Set mostly within a work environment, Binnelanders explores the ups and downs of doctors and nurses and their loved ones at the Binneland clinic in Pretoria. The cast reflects a rather limited multiracial Afrikaans speaking community. In Binnelanders there is a focus on success, achievement and status within the medical and other professions and different images of accomplishment and power are highlighted
Kurt Darren is in Pretoria gebore en het aan die Hoërskool Lyttelton Manor matrikuleer. Hy het sy besondere sangtalent by sy ma geërf. Op skool het Kurt aan verskeie musiekspele deelgeneem, en meen dat hy al van jongs af in musiek belang gestel het.
Wat min mense weet is dat Kurt ten volle tweetalig is, te danke aan sy pa wat Afrikaanssprekend en sy ma wat Engelssprekend is. Sy ongelooflike talent as liedjieskrywer en sanger, in beide tale, het sy gretigheid om in albei tale te vermaak, en mee te voer, verwesenlik. Na matriek is Kurt weermag toe en doen hy sy basies in Walvisbaai. Sy wens was om aan die weermag se vermaaklikheidsgroep te behoort, en dit gebeur toe ook so. So toer hy vir n jaar saam met die boere-orkeslede van die weermag, en besef dat hy sy lewenslange droom, om 'n sanger te word, wil najaag. Hy word toe afgeraai deur mense wat sê dat hy nie 'n bestaan kan maak deur 'n sanger te word nie. Hy probeer toe maar 'n paar ander beroepe, soos om 'n wildbewaarder te word in die Kruger Nasionale Wildtuin, (die natuur lê hom baie na aan die hart), en tree ook as toergids op. Met meeste van sy familie in die boubedryf, beproef hy dit ook, maar nie vir lank nie. Kurt besluit toe om voltyds te begin sing. Dertien jaar lank het Kurt, balladesanger, roerloos op 'n stoeltjie met 'n mikrofoon gesit by korporatiewe geleenthede, kroeë en ander klein vergader-plekke. Van die een dorp na die volgende, het Kurt sy eie klankgereedskap vervoer, afgelaai, opgestel, afgestel en weer opgelaai. Hy het ook sy eie klank gedoen. Kurt is trots om te noem dat hy deur sy sangloopbaan al deel was van 'n paar "groepe", hierdie sluit in, onder andere: "Deep Blue" en "Keep Your Day Job". Hy het altyd geweet dat sy deurbraak gaan kom. Toe tree hy drie maande lank op 'n passasierskip op, verloor 'n paar kilogram en sny sy hare (vir die wat nie weet nie, Kurt se hare was skouerlengte vir n hele rukkie). En toe is hy reg en energiek vir "Meisie Meisie" - en die roem - toe dit eensklaps oor sy pad kom in 2002. |
Buy a CD / DVD, download the lyrics, translate them and sing them in the car (captive audience!)
e.g. Kaptein, Af en af, Baby sjoklits, Loslappie, Spiӫeltjie, Drie susters, Ek verlang na jou, Stuur groete aan Mannetjies Roux etc etc.
Noot vir Noot ("Note for Note") is an Afrikaans language musical quiz shown on South African television. It is the longest continually running television game show (in any language) in the country, having reached episode 500 after 20 years during series 35 In 2010. The show was first broadcast in 1991; its first (and only, as of 1991) presenter being Johan Stemmet.
Free Afrikaans music downloads