Learning a new language
- We can watch TV
- Teachers can provide lists of words for learning
- Some practice can happen in the classroom
- Parents or friends can test learners a few times
- Unfortunately words are not absorbed as we sleep !
- At the end of the day, practice and perseverance are the only answers
and then there is Whuzoo
- Ideally, school-specific programs are put together with the language HOD's and teachers
- Learners receive their Whuzoo CD, as part of their bookpack at the end or start of the year
- Parents are introduced to the Whuzoo program. They are an important link in the language learning chain which carries the experience into the home environment
- The learner can now build and master their vocabulary in their own time at their own pace
- Importantly, the learner develops confidence and enthusiasm for the new language as they test themselves on the new words and phrases.
as we say . . . See It ~ Spell It ~ Hear It ~ Ace It !!