Afrikaans grade 7 Benchmark

No pronunciations (primary programme)
The Afrikaans Benchmark programme was developed at the request of the Afrikaans department at St David's Marist, Inanda to provide support for grade 7 learners writing the IEB benchmark examinations.
This programmes is designed to be used in conjunction with an Afrikaans Level 1 programme and it was decided to produce this without pronunciations, as these were already included in the Learners Afrikaans Level 1 programme.
This programmes is designed to be used in conjunction with an Afrikaans Level 1 programme and it was decided to produce this without pronunciations, as these were already included in the Learners Afrikaans Level 1 programme.
A second version was created at the request of the Afrikaans department at Kyalami Prep, and includes pronunciation sound clips.
This remains the secondary option as many language educators view the pronunciations, in this context, as a distraction. Parents, and learners, however, have the option of selecting the version they believe will best benefit them. |